Since 1990, we have led the effort to make our customers more efficient in creating less down time, maximizing oil life and providing the best customer service in the industry.
Our Vision:
To be the best in the world at solving problems through science and providing value to our customers.
Our Mission:
To provide our customers detailed insight into the condition and health of their asset, while offering proactive solutions to maximize asset life.
Our Customers:
Oil is the life blood of machinery and our customers are the life blood of our business. Oil Analysis Lab strives each day to better serve our customers.
“Providing our customers with precision data to make accurate decisions is the foundation of our business”
What We've Achieved
Complete Online Viewing and Trending of sample history
Leading the industry in centrifuge analysis
Leader in Filter Analysis
Provided customers with data to make credible decisions
Generator Analysis
Grease and Fuel Analysis